【同义词辨析】 2018-06-26 表达express-air

express: suggests an impulse to reveal in words, gestures, or actions, OR through what one creates or produces: paintings that ~ the artist's loneliness.

vent: stresses a strong inner compulsion to express something such as apent-up emotion, especially in a highly emotional manner: her stories ~ the frustrations of women. (pent-up emotion被压抑的情感)

utter: implies the use of voice not necessarily in articulate speech: would occasionally ~ words of encouragement.

voice: implies expression or formulation in words but not necessarily by vocal utterance: an editorial ~ing the concerns of many.

broach: suggests the disclosing for the first time of something long thought over or reserved for a suitable occasion: ~ the subject of a divorce.

air: implies an exposing or parading of one's views often in order to gain relief or sympathy or attention: cabinet members publicly ~ing their differences. 公开摆明分歧

express表达: 表示有一种展示(reveal揭开即展示)的冲动(impulse个人冲动,来自性格),通过语言姿势动作,或创造制作,vent发泄: 巨大的内部力量迫使(compel逼迫)去表达,如被压抑的情感,utter发声: 用声音表达但可能不清楚(articulate两个意思: 1口齿清楚2用词准确),voice也是表达: 用语言(words)表达,但未必口头还有可能书面,broach提出,开瓶: 首次说出经过长期思考等待机会说的事,air: 为了获得关注同情解脱大加展示揭示自己观点(expose揭露,parade炫耀大加展示)

记忆方法: 1)首字母EVUVBA排序成VV BEAU味美,同心之言,其臭如兰<==恰当的表达

         2)表达的意思是让人知道自己感想mean to let out or make known what one thinks or feels.